Strength for the Journey

Have I ever failed to give you strength for the journey?

Your life on earth has not always been an easy one,

yet you are now enjoying some of the benefits of a life

lived close to me.

You have learned much as you sit at My feet

drinking in My words of love, encouragement and guidance.

You have been willing to obey me in little things as well as difficult ones.

You gain strength when you wait on Me in the early morning hours.

I love you dearly.

I will help you every day in every way.

             In most people’s lives, there are usually some dark periods when it is unknown which direction to take, or life’s heartaches take their toll. Some people struggle with their relationships, some may be clinically depressed, others worry about their children or grandchildren, and some deal with incapacitating illnesses.

We may feel God is distant during these times. We may even feel an overwhelming sense of being alone or abandoned. However, at my age, I now understand that God is always there. I can look back and see where the Lord brought me through difficult times. The words of the Psalmist echo within my heart, ‘I have never seen the righteous forsaken.’ God will give us the help we need. It may come to us through a prayer group, during church service, in a meeting with a counselor, or the kind words of a friend.

Psalms 91:2 “This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” I enjoy the 11th verse as well, “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.”

About Rose Spillenaar Harmer

Rose is a retired marriage and family therapist and speaks on subjects related to prayer, spirituality, marriage and mental health. She travels throughout North America and one of her favorite subjects is "listening to God" through scripture, sermons and the still, inaudible voice of the Holy Spirit. She writes a weekly devotional called
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4 Responses to Strength for the Journey

  1. Sometimes in those dark moments all I need to do is remember to turn to Him, and I find He’s been there all along…

    Thanks for the reminder!


  2. Bob Hunter says:

    As you indicate in “Strength for the Journey” may happen, sometimes I have experienced periods in my life when God seemed distant. However, as I look back on those periods, I realize that as you point out God was there bringing me through them. Thanks for another encouraging post.


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