Enter In With Praise

 I love you dearly!

 I know how much you love hearing of my love each day.

It is the same in the throne room of God.

Your praises and love are like perfume in our courts.

We receive many petitions and requests each day.

But, many people have not chosen to “enter into my gates

with thanksgiving and into my courts with praise.”

Remembering to be thankful and loving is the key.

If you practice this formula in your daily interactions,

you will find relationships grow sweeter and richer.

 Psalms 100:4, 5 (KJV) “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him and bless his name. For the Lord is good: his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations.”

Many years ago, when I read the book “The Hour That Changes the World,” by Dick Eastman, I determined to always begin daily devotions by praising God for who He is. The following sentences are a few examples of how I praise My heavenly Father. “You are such a loving God. You have created such a beautiful world for us to live in. When I see the wonders of your creation I often stand in awe. Thank you for being our peace.”

However, I don’t always apply this same principle of praise in my everyday interactions with others. I might ask the person how their day went but I never think to praise them for some quality they show. Sometimes, I even begin an interaction with a request or a complaint.

I’m sure if we would begin each conversation with some praise, a thoughtful comment, or  a word of appreciation for the person we are talking to – our spouses, our children, co-workers or colleagues – we would reap the reward of richer communication. I know I want to try.


About Rose Spillenaar Harmer

Rose is a retired marriage and family therapist and speaks on subjects related to prayer, spirituality, marriage and mental health. She travels throughout North America and one of her favorite subjects is "listening to God" through scripture, sermons and the still, inaudible voice of the Holy Spirit. She writes a weekly devotional called listeningtohear.wordpress.com
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2 Responses to Enter In With Praise

  1. Bob Hunter says:

    Although I haven’t read The Hour That Changes the World, I generally include thanks to God in my devotions. However, like you, often I don’t include praise in my everyday interactions with others. Thanks for the reminder that I should.


  2. Pingback: Do We Enter His Gates with Praise? | He Cares for You

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