Will You Choose a Better Path?

Will You Choose a Better Path?

Everything happens for a purpose in My kingdom.

My timing is always perfect,

and therefore the timing of your life and circumstances is perfect as well.

I want you to live a fulfilled life.

Do not set deadlines for yourself.

Do a little of what inspires you each day.

Things will come together.

I am a God who understands.

I am not a God who places heavy burdens on my children.

Men who set themselves up as religious leaders

frequently give their congregations too many duties and responsibilities;

however, I came to set men free.

I came to heal.

There is a time and place for all stages of life,

times of busyness and times when the pace is slower.

I came to show you a better path for all your life.

Learn from me!

 Throughout our brief sojourn on earth, we go through many phases. Oftentimes there are things that happen as a child which we do not understand. Yet later in life, we recognize God had a plan and purpose, and He does not waste any experience no matter how trivial or life changing that event may be.

 In His Word, he says “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28 (NLT).

There have been experiences in my life that I would rather have missed, yet I saw, when I began my counseling career, it was very helpful in understanding the pain some of my clients experienced.

As He healed the various aspects in my life, I knew He could heal those hurtful passages of the people I saw. We serve an awesome God who knows us well and loves so deeply.

I want to walk His path, allowing Him to take my hand as He leads and guides me.

Rose Spillenaar Harmer, a retired marriage and family therapist.

About Rose Spillenaar Harmer

Rose is a retired marriage and family therapist and speaks on subjects related to prayer, spirituality, marriage and mental health. She travels throughout North America and one of her favorite subjects is "listening to God" through scripture, sermons and the still, inaudible voice of the Holy Spirit. She writes a weekly devotional called listeningtohear.wordpress.com
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1 Response to Will You Choose a Better Path?

  1. mercy Lord says:

    God’s mercies are new every morning. Jesus says, “My sheep know My voice and they follow Me.”
    The LORD is our Maker, and we are the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanks-
    giving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the LORD is
    good. His mercies are everlasting. His truth endures to all generations. Thanks Lord.


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